without love we perish

Monday, October 31


revision starts tomorrow.
you shall not hear my rants from now till the end of the retarded "measure of abilities".
take care everyone.
get more sleep.
eat healthy.maybe gingko biloba will help.
see you 25th nov.
oh this happens to be my 99th blog entry.
the 100th one will be crappy.
i guarantee.

Friday, October 28

3-way conversation

Jensen: "Hey left knee,are you ok?you seem quite stressed out."
Left Knee: "Oh i'm fine.just an old ailment.you felt it last time didn't you?"
Jensen: "Yeah i did.kept me off the track for 2 weeks.i got you a knee brace.hope it helps."
Left Knee: "Thanks dude i appreciate it.Let's go for a run now."
Jensen: "Cool."
After 4km
Left Knee: "It doesn't seem to help a lot."
Jensen: "Shit.it costs me 27 fucking dollars!"
Right Knee: "I can use that.I'm in pain."
Jensen: "Fuck the both of you."
Left Knee and Right Knee: "Oh!We're leaving you,you heartless creature!"
And so Jensen is in deep deep shit now.

Wednesday, October 26

As the exams draw near,

I get fatter.I eat too much.I'm under stress.
I wonder what gave me the idea to pursue an engineering degree.
I sleep more.
I still don't have a life.
I don't know what to do.
I panic.

Push the button, people.
The big red blinking one which says "PANIC"

Sunday, October 23

$2 per view

You know, sometimes you just space out after mind-boggling schoolwork that continues to baffle you despite the hour-long staring contests you had with them end up undone?That's what i did after the fucking physics tutorial massacred my brain cells.And so momentarily-stunned jensen went on a mad shooting spree.
Welcome to my domain.
Introducing Mr Cupboard.

Mr Mirror and Mr Bedside table.

Mr Mattress and poor Mr Pillow who has to swallow my drool every night.
See Mr Dustbin hidden in the bottom left corner?He's a filthy animal.

Mr Table.He takes the most shit.And a lot of my hair.
The Window Triplets.They listen to my troubles.
Hurricane Katrina.Damn strong.

And the everpresent and stunning Miss Dusk.

I'm an attention-seeking exhibitionist.But now you know,jensen's so feminine that he names his furniture.siao liao la.......mmm dun lidat mah *hee hee*

Buay tahan.damn ah gua.

Thursday, October 20

Exams in a month.
Then Christmas.
Ho ho ho.

Tuesday, October 18

Dear Jieqi,
I am still in shock that you left us without saying a word.I can still remember the exact scene when Mrs Goh broke the news to the class.Everyone was busy discussing the science practical exam for the P4 streaming.I can still hear the painful silence that followed.No one knew what to say.No one expected to lose a friend at age 10.
You still remember we used to play pingpong during recess?With all the class boys against those from other classes.We thrashed them.Always.We still did after your demise so you don't have to worry about your face.
I'm shamed anyway,since I don't know much about you even though we were in the same class from P1 to 4.4 years together and playbuddies and we seem so far apart.And now I can't learn more about you.Your cheekiness and intelligence are the only thing I can remember of you.And you said that expired cheese are used to make cheese bread because your dad has his own confectionery.
I don't know what made me think of you all of a sudden.But you sure made me realise how important all my friends are.If I ever forget them,please do me a favour and knock some sense into my head.I hope none of Townsville forget you too,though it's a demanding request.
Hope you are fine wherever you are right now, and that your cheeky smile will never fade.Take care,my friend.If you can read this,all the better.
p.s I bet you'll be into computers if you're still in this dimension.This is from my blog if you don't know.
Your friend,
Gong Heng
Townsville PS class 1E '91 2E '92 3E '93 4A '94

In loving memory of Jieqi,my primary school classmate, who died of a brain tumour in 1994.

Sunday, October 16


please justify the bus fare hike,SBS.took four bus rides today and every fucking bus was leaking.one bus had half its seats wet.Yeah it was raining fucking heavily,but why are you dripping?What did you do to the air-conditioning?can't you spend a bit of your profits on some fucking maintenance?If i want to get wet in the bus, i might as well walk in the rain,duh.

Why are the young singaporeans not donating blood?so you think when you'll get blood for your appendicitis op as and when you go for it?come on, get a life.some of you are so shortsighted that you can't see beyond yourself.the next time your close ones suffer because the blood bank don't have their blood type,don't whine.
"why don't you have enough blood?you're a bloody blood bank!don't you have enough donors?"
as good as kicking a wall in anger.
you still have a chance to redeem yourself.blood drive in NUS from mon to wed.go.

are cows the only animals with udders?anyone?i mean does anyone know,not does anyone have udders.apart from humans and primates who have breasts that probably are udders in disguise.

how many of you still don't have an ambition?and no,being a tai-tai is not an ambition.having sex with 100 girls at a time is not either.

i went on an eating binge yesterday.ok not exactly a binge but more like impulsive and uncontrollable eating.after dinner,had a full mug of yogurt drink,an ice cream,a bun,a kiwi(fruit,not bird),bowl of tauhuay,some keropok.it's been a really long time since i last ate so much in so little time.next thing i know i'll be in america challenging that little japanese competitive-eating guy to a hotdog-eating contest.yes,i fear the repercussions of unnecessary eating.

don't ever ask me to walk in the rain.it makes me uncomfortable.even watching people do it makes me squirm.but i'm game always if you want to take a stroll in 34 deg sunny days.

why are exams so depressing?
we'll take a walk to the riverside.
we'll sit here till the water creeps up to our toes.
we'll part on a happy note.
we'll wish for a day like today again.

Friday, October 14


it ain't easy to live, right?
after all the things you've done,so many people still tell you that you've got nothing right.
don't let them bother you.they're probably just losers.

"don't do this.it sucks."
"you wouldn't wanna do that...."
"if i were you,i would never have done that."

if i were you,i'd shoot myself in the head and throw myself off Benjamin Sheares bridge and get myself run over by the Police Coast Guard vessel and become fish feed.you're just not thinking with your brain,you're doing so with your arse.and mind you,when it goes through there,it stinks.

so don't you ever tell me what i should do if you've never encountered the problems i've faced.i've got enough of all these shit that you people throw at me and i'd appreciate it if you don't add another one.

how would you feel if i told you what you did was the most utterly disgusting,insensitive and meaningless action?if you have the slightest sudden urge to impale me with your water bottle ,fill it with TNT and ignite it,sending a zillion pieces of me all across NUS, then welcome to the club, baby.

it's been a while since anyone said that to me.i bet they don't dare,because i've got more balls than them.don't want me to do something?prove it to me then.

Monday, October 10


what the hell am i doing here!?
can't waste no time.
i saw a little girl in polka-dotted tights.almost wanted to tell her she's lucky that she's like eight if not she'll be killed for making such a fashion mistake.
wah, can't wait to climb tmr.

Saturday, October 8


I saw a foreign construction worker chase mynahs for fun.
I saw a beautiful tabby cat sitting in the middle of the carpark.
I saw another young cat chasing a tree branch blown across the road by the wind.
I saw someone digging his nose indulgently at the busstop when i was on the bus.

I finally see that it's the little things in life that makes it different and special from everyone else's.

Everyday I ponder.Is it possible to realise my dream?
Everyday I max out my brain.Because I believe a good degree will get me quick bucks to realise the dream.
Everyday new zits pop out to remind me how much i maxed out.

And sometimes it tires me to think so much.How Jensen is gonna pay the bills, raise the capital, improve his baking skills, draw up a good business plan, steer as far as possible from bankruptcy.

And then I see these little things.
Nuggets of joy.
Some may disagree with the nosedigging.

When you see a little gem,tell me.I may have some to share too.

Thursday, October 6


I want my life to improve.
I want to be a better climber.
I want to run further and faster.
I will.
My life will improve.

Tuesday, October 4

Apple Crumble Pie

pie crust
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup butter/shortening/lard
1/4 cup water
1 Mother

In a large bowl,combine flour and salt.cut in fat until mixture resembles coarse crumbs.
stir in water until mixture forms a ball.
wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.
tell your mother to throw away the pie crust dough the next morning and panic.

apple crumble
1 deep-dish pie crust

5 cups apples - peeled,cored and thinly sliced
1/2 cup white sugar
3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/3 cup white sugar
3/4 cup all-purose flour
6 tablespoons butter

1 hammer

preheat oven to 200 deg Celsius.

pound cinnamon with a hammer if you don't have it ground.
While cutting apples,mess up the kitchen and drop apple bits all over the place.
Arrange apple slices in unbaked pie shell.
mix 1/2 cup sugar and cinnamon.sprinkle over apples.

mix 1/3 cup sugar with flour.cut in butter until crumble.Spoon mixture over apples.
bake in oven for 35 to 40 minutes or until apples are soft and top is lightly browned.if crust is too soft,throw it back into the oven and bake for another 20 minutes at 220 deg Celsius.

sorry for the lack of photos for the other steps.i was hysterical.the mess,everything went wrong.but the apple crumble didn't.the apples weren't soft enough and the crust was a bit soft.

im darn proud of it.