without love we perish

Sunday, October 16


please justify the bus fare hike,SBS.took four bus rides today and every fucking bus was leaking.one bus had half its seats wet.Yeah it was raining fucking heavily,but why are you dripping?What did you do to the air-conditioning?can't you spend a bit of your profits on some fucking maintenance?If i want to get wet in the bus, i might as well walk in the rain,duh.

Why are the young singaporeans not donating blood?so you think when you'll get blood for your appendicitis op as and when you go for it?come on, get a life.some of you are so shortsighted that you can't see beyond yourself.the next time your close ones suffer because the blood bank don't have their blood type,don't whine.
"why don't you have enough blood?you're a bloody blood bank!don't you have enough donors?"
as good as kicking a wall in anger.
you still have a chance to redeem yourself.blood drive in NUS from mon to wed.go.

are cows the only animals with udders?anyone?i mean does anyone know,not does anyone have udders.apart from humans and primates who have breasts that probably are udders in disguise.

how many of you still don't have an ambition?and no,being a tai-tai is not an ambition.having sex with 100 girls at a time is not either.

i went on an eating binge yesterday.ok not exactly a binge but more like impulsive and uncontrollable eating.after dinner,had a full mug of yogurt drink,an ice cream,a bun,a kiwi(fruit,not bird),bowl of tauhuay,some keropok.it's been a really long time since i last ate so much in so little time.next thing i know i'll be in america challenging that little japanese competitive-eating guy to a hotdog-eating contest.yes,i fear the repercussions of unnecessary eating.

don't ever ask me to walk in the rain.it makes me uncomfortable.even watching people do it makes me squirm.but i'm game always if you want to take a stroll in 34 deg sunny days.

why are exams so depressing?


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