without love we perish

Sunday, October 23

$2 per view

You know, sometimes you just space out after mind-boggling schoolwork that continues to baffle you despite the hour-long staring contests you had with them end up undone?That's what i did after the fucking physics tutorial massacred my brain cells.And so momentarily-stunned jensen went on a mad shooting spree.
Welcome to my domain.
Introducing Mr Cupboard.

Mr Mirror and Mr Bedside table.

Mr Mattress and poor Mr Pillow who has to swallow my drool every night.
See Mr Dustbin hidden in the bottom left corner?He's a filthy animal.

Mr Table.He takes the most shit.And a lot of my hair.
The Window Triplets.They listen to my troubles.
Hurricane Katrina.Damn strong.

And the everpresent and stunning Miss Dusk.

I'm an attention-seeking exhibitionist.But now you know,jensen's so feminine that he names his furniture.siao liao la.......mmm dun lidat mah *hee hee*

Buay tahan.damn ah gua.