without love we perish

Tuesday, October 18

Dear Jieqi,
I am still in shock that you left us without saying a word.I can still remember the exact scene when Mrs Goh broke the news to the class.Everyone was busy discussing the science practical exam for the P4 streaming.I can still hear the painful silence that followed.No one knew what to say.No one expected to lose a friend at age 10.
You still remember we used to play pingpong during recess?With all the class boys against those from other classes.We thrashed them.Always.We still did after your demise so you don't have to worry about your face.
I'm shamed anyway,since I don't know much about you even though we were in the same class from P1 to 4.4 years together and playbuddies and we seem so far apart.And now I can't learn more about you.Your cheekiness and intelligence are the only thing I can remember of you.And you said that expired cheese are used to make cheese bread because your dad has his own confectionery.
I don't know what made me think of you all of a sudden.But you sure made me realise how important all my friends are.If I ever forget them,please do me a favour and knock some sense into my head.I hope none of Townsville forget you too,though it's a demanding request.
Hope you are fine wherever you are right now, and that your cheeky smile will never fade.Take care,my friend.If you can read this,all the better.
p.s I bet you'll be into computers if you're still in this dimension.This is from my blog if you don't know.
Your friend,
Gong Heng
Townsville PS class 1E '91 2E '92 3E '93 4A '94

In loving memory of Jieqi,my primary school classmate, who died of a brain tumour in 1994.


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