without love we perish

Wednesday, August 31

for you to see

I'm bored of school.
Engine is kenasai.because no quantity no quality.
Science got quantity no quality.
bizad and law i dunno cos i haven't ventured that far.
arts is every guy's wet dream.
the seemingly-there BRE archi and computing are unknowns.not that i care anyway.

So besides lacking eye-candy,nus is not really a very friendly place.hard to make friends.unless you know their friends.and that's the norm in singapore.eugene says malaysian girls are more open and easy-going(not anyhow suibian) and most importantly more approachable.spore girls on the other hand are more aloof and ice-queen in general.In general i emphasise.i don't wanna be accused of female-bashing.it's never gonna be any good when you are at the receiving end of a scolding from a charbor.

and so no-life jensen joins the climbing subclub much like how peter parker gets his spider powers and leads an alternative life as your FRIENDLY NEIGHBOURHOOD SPIDER.found a few kakis,had hell of a fun time.im addicted.climbing is seriously not just about going up the wall and that's it.we do bouldering.with all the handholds and footholds on a wall you can set yourself some problems to conquer a route.that's how it hooks you.you try,fall down,stand there look at the stupid wall scratch your head,go up and fall again.you can stare at the wall for ages just trying to figure a way to make it.

just like girls.

there are times when you sit and think why they do the things they do and you never seem to get it.until you sekali realise the ultimate answer.

You will never know why girls do the things they do.Because you are a guy.

And girls don't understand why guys go weak-kneed over cars and tech-gadgets.

thats why god gave us more meat to compensate for the missing grey matter.

congratulations to shin for registering for the Standard Chartered Full Marathon on 4th Dec 2005.You will get a runner's medal and a SCM tee-shirt upon completion and basketfuls of satisfaction and fulfilment.

What are you waiting for?

Sunday, August 28


Jensen Seah.Level 1 Sport Climbing Certificate Holder.Certified for top-rope belay.
shoes,harness,carabiner,belay device,rope,climbing calls,climbing techniques.

I didn't manage to complete 3 outta 4 walls.but thats ok.i have every tuesdays to tackle them.and the bouldering walls.so who's up for some climbing?we can hang around together.literally.go sign up for the course now!!!

warning: burning forearms and fingers.difficulty in holding chopsticks and washing hair after course.

saw a dimple,
saw her smile
don't know her name,
but still worthwhile.

Old photos

Just some silly shots i took over the last few weeks.
taken while walking to the busstop after a hard day's work back in techmex.on a damn saturday.but kinda miss pamela.haha.
old dead tree.waiting for what?
how it'll look like if you jump off from my living room.
granny's birthday cake.that black orb is not a photo defect.that's my 2-yr-old cousin's head.Keefe blew out the candles before the birthday song was finished.and it wasn't even his birthday.i'll try it next year.
jensen the lao ti ko at work.everyone was sleeping anyway so i managed to get off the bus in one piece.

Wednesday, August 24

Diary on the Run

seven kilometres of fun and self-assessment.
30 minutes of sun-tanning in the park pavilion.
69 pull-ups.wow.i'm still there.

while running,i took some time to think about all that happened to me back from 2002 to this very day.
I've grown stronger,mentally and physically.back then,if you asked me to run 3k,i'll probably find some dumb excuse to siam or simply chaokeng.now,i can probably manage 5k,if some idiot asks me to run when im in teejeansshoes,anyday anytime.i have no idea what sparked this change,but it should be the fact that i have an ambition now.
when you are just 18,not many people actually have an idea of their future.and so you just go play play anywhere you like without considering circumstances.and you remain a kid,oblivious to the world's happenings.and now,when all i care about is opening a bakeshop,there's a direction i know will keep me on the road.and when you strive to succeed,not many things can stop you.of course death can la,or tragic accidents that render you paralysed.your determination up a few levels,your will also up level.and so,when you deal with other stuff,you have larger capacity to cope with the stress.thats why from struggling with 3km 2 yrs ago,7 or 8 km now like no kick.
so now i'm not scared of programming,but then maths and physics are killing me.if only everything can be solved by running.what's worse,my curiosity may kill me if i ever probe.

Sunday, August 21


Bye bye Shijie.Take care in ang mo li ka.

I just finish compiling 2 C programs on my own.How proud I am.I never thought I can get it right,ever.No thanks to Ilango(chinese high computer programming teacher who screams n barks like a dog).We call him yi lang gou.His pms seriously affects his brain big time.And its much worse than mine,mind you.Imagine la.If you cannot tahan me,you'll die in his presence.
And so I became a technophobe.Or rather computer-phobic.QBasic was scary.not basic at all can?50/100 for final exam.and everything was copied n pasted.haha.how proud.smart?you bet.
Someday,all you computer geeks will bow before me.Not because im real good at programming.Because i will rule the world someday.
Geniuses are usually slightly demented,im only imagining.i don't want to rule the world.i don't want to deal with you complicated and scheming humans.we're not beautiful at all,not even those supermodels.They can't compare with nature.if i had a choice,i'll be living in a temperate forest.jungle too dirty.and maybe like dolittle i can communicate with the animals.then,life will be so untainted.
Would you rather live a life of serenity and peace,or indulge in the activities that made man so careless?

Saturday, August 20

the most diverse blog entry in fruit of god

and the mind draws a blank.
i have nothing to blog about.or rather i don't know what to write here.maybe it's just not the right time to log into blogger.
maybe this spells the end of my blogging.
when i started this blog,i estimated its death to be one month after its birth.it's been abt 6?7? weeks overdue.just refuses to die.
the reason for its existence is simple.i have nothing to do online.
when MSN buddies don't reply,when you run out of websites to surf and blogs to read,most of you will shut down and sleep.i can't do that.i need to feel sleepy before i do so.i also don't know why.just a habit.that's why i'm usually online till 2am,even though i tell myself to sleep early.
but there's nothing to do tomorrow morning.there's no point getting up so early just to feel bored.sleep late = wake up late.therefore,less time spent staring into space.
tomorrow morning,there's an important mission.it's to send shijie off to US safely.We must don our no.4 and SBO and escort my dragonboat partner.Terrorism's on the rise,we can't afford to take risks.those patrolling guards in the airport look so lembek,their bullets are probably rubber like them.
that's what people do when they get paranoid(sending friend off in no.4).they do unnecessary and thoughtless things that pose more harm to themselves and those around them.and i,for one thing,am getting more obsessed with the fact that engineering girls cannot make it and arts girls are oh-so-hot.when you frequent the arts canteen more than the toilet,you are definitely paranoid.or simply horny.
but then,risking blood gushing out of my nostrils is definitely not as life-threatening as going through hell to get a girlfriend.i see beauties,and so i self-indulge.if i have a girlfriend,i have to indulge on her.and if she finds out that you look at others,chances of you becoming a eunuch increases significantly.guys,surely you don't want to lose your brain right?
join the bachelors club.i will organise daily trips to various faculties' canteens.but just like you shouldn't feed the animals in the zoo,you are not allowed to reach out and touch these mesmerizing specimens of the fairer sex.if you do,risk a 2 hour long tirade from the victim and a lawsuit filed against you if you're in law.If you're in engineering,these brainy babes may just set their latest castration machines on you.so,be careful where you lay your hands.
and if you're thinking that i blog for effects,you are quite right.because some of my entries are excessively descriptive and maybe trying hard to be funny.what's wrong with that?don't you try hard to joke when you're talking to your good friends too?it's true,it pays to be humorous.it's said that all girls go for guys who can make them laugh,all guys go for girls who laugh at their jokes(they think they're funny and the girl likes them so she laughs,that's why).win-win situation.guy makes joke(he's funny) girl laughs(she appreciates humour) the 2 get together and they haha all the way.
smile and the world smiles with you.
laugh and you get laid.

Friday, August 19

world of strangers

You step out of the lecture hall,you see someone familiar.Maybe your sec school mate or army campmate.You say hi.And then struggle to find the right words to say.

"How's life?"
"Going lecture ah?"
"Oh okay.Erm,I gotta go.Seeya."

The last line was your escape route.You blush slightly for being such a liar.Sometimes you can't even recall his name.It is that bad.You are not being superficial.You are just lost.

What if one day you realise that you no longer have anything to say to someone?Does that make it the end of your friendship?Or it's just a fuck-up?

I haven't reached that state.Yet.I hope none of you do too.

Wednesday, August 17


Centralised Online Registration System
Can Only Register Shit
Cannot?Oh Really?Sucker!


i just came up here to kaopeh can?

knn,today morning only run like 2.4km rite?fucking sissy you jensen.morning cannot wake up isit.mind so alert legs still on the bed.
but i got do pull-ups and abs wat?
fuck you not enough.

y ppl don't understand ingrish one?tell them don't stand on 2nd level on double-decker bus refuse to heed la.summore so fucking fat,the bus capsize how?
but then only one person mah...
fuck you one not enough meh.summore so fat.

oi jensen you run so much how come still got some blubber on ur tummy one?
i dunno leh...
fuck you run not enough go run ten rounds now.

this entry looks like a poem doesn't it?Haha.

Sunday, August 14

BBQ and food for thought

satay stingray sotong otah sweet potato cod fish unagi some weird weird fish chicken wings sausages lapcheong mushrooms prawns.

are you full already?Thats the menu for the bbq just now.Meant to celebrate granny's bday.Little Keefe was better entertainment.His happy birthday song,blowing all the candles for someone 66 years older than him,running around,making gurgling sounds,his enormous head.stomach exploding,can't sleep.

and just now saw some young couples at the chalet.yep all the qing qing wo wo stuff and such.singles out there should know that sometimes you'll feel you are losing out on something by not getting into a relationship rite?Will have that "why is it not me caressing that hot chick's butt cheek" feeling.or something less perv than that.
Today,it triggered off an avalanche of questions.
"jensen,ready to rumble or not?"
"you can give up bachelorhood or not?"
"you can tahan their whining or not?"
"you know how difficult it is to maintain a relationship rite,jensen?"
"you hug that babe will nosebleed or not?"

Yeah i gave up companionship for bachelorhood.reverting back isn't that easy.must have target(which i currently have none),must have time(currently have plenty to spare),must have energy(so lam nua where got energy?damn lazy la),must have interest(?have or not also dunno).Want to chase girl damn troublesome leh.Wait till i become spiderman first then i look for Mary Jane.

So Mary Jane,you wait for me ah.Right now just settle for Harry Osborn.Peter Parker needs training.

Diary on the Run

8km.Getting easier.

Saturday, August 13

keep the faith

i think my lecture group girls cannot make it.
i think this/that/those girl(s) not my type.
i think this/that/those guy(s) confirm cannot qie me in running.
i think i can floor this/that/those guy(s) if they provoke me enough.
i think my cookies are not bad after all.
i think you two should be together.
i think you won't remember me after this.
i think this/that/those girl(s) got the hots for me.
i think i damn fucking shuai.

you think i thought who confirm?

i think,therefore i AM.i think.

Stand firm.Believe.It may be true.

Wednesday, August 10

Diary on the Run

Imagine my ecstatic expression when i ended the run.The other runners were running faster away from me when they saw it.But it actually didn't happen.Behind that sweaty and shagged face,I was fist-pumping and whooping.It's been nearly a year since I hit double figures.All thanks to that lousy army camp.Right on course for StanChart.Next up,12.See you in 2 weeks.

Tuesday, August 9


You know things are not gonna go smooth when you arrive 20 minutes late for your first ever lecture.That's for principles of econs.The lecturer managed to coax everyone to sleep with his monotone attempt.
A jolt from sleep during the physics lecture.Had a nightmare that I was dunno killed or fell down.Stunned Kenneth.Some significant figures crap.Incredibly refreshing.
Wide awake during programming lect.Sugar high.Couldn't help it.
Day ends at 6pm.

What a way to start 4 years of studying.And it's not very encouraging to realise that cute girls are nowhere in sight in the LT.Group D is a mixture of chinaman,bangala workers,horny S'pore guys and so-so girls.Cocktail of despair.

Need motivation.Faster come out leh.

Sunday, August 7

Thirteen Senses - The Salt Wound Routine

Red letters on the dashboard, oh what a gap
They pursue us to the deep end and then depart
Watch as the cracks in the wall feel pain
For only patterns on a snake's back give us genuine fear
And I cannot lie, faces drop into the fire
I get by all the time on a shelf above the door
And it shouldn't be clear but it's not for me to decide
It's a delicate degree
It's a number I can see

Could prison cells be in my brain
For they're safe inside the cover of a dirty face
And everybody finds a college graduate with joy
While I'm happy just sipping tonic water with lemon and lime
And I cannot lie, faces drop into the fire
I get by all the time on a shelf above the door
And it shouldn't be clear but it's not for me to decide
It's a delicate degree
It's a number I can see

You sit at home up late at night
When it's beginning to arrive
And honestly
I don't see the need for any routines
I'm all out of sink, I cover my cuts
And hope they are fixed before I get hurt again
And all this ground beneath my feet
Has decided not to crumble into the sea
I walked in a house, it smelt of paint
And the ceiling it has no trouble with me

Diary on the Run

Totally cannot make it today.Felt so useless.Looks like 3 hours of non-stop beach volleyball really took its toll on my legs.groin strain calf strain wah damn uncomfortable la.so,only 5.6km today.
Walked to Pierce Reservoir after tt.Yeah the monkeys and all.Haha,didn't take a photo of them in case they go berserk and rip off my nuts.Caught a nice sunset though.And saw many young families taking their after-dinner stroll.Kids are cute.Would you fancy climbing over the barricade to play by the reservoir just for kicks now that you're reaching adulthood?Bet not.We've lost our innocence.

The long path.Daunting.

whatever disappointment I had was dispelled by another sunset.Can you see the kids playing?

I'll do better next time.

Friday, August 5

beach and drag queens

I thought it was a weird decision to go Sentosa on a rainy day.I was so wrong.
Yeah,so everything was pretty last-minute and I went out late.And it was still drizzling.But the lure of a good game of beach volleyball was too great to overcome.By the time I reached Harbourfront mrt,haha the rain stopped.
And started again.^<&)+?-=$#!>:***k
Nevertheless,lianghan hong keat(ha i got it right man) ling hong and me still headed down to sunset bay.Still drizzling.
Miraculously,just when we started the game,rain stopped.Damn guai lan the weather.But the sun was nowhere in sight.Knn my tan still uneven can.
2 on 2 beach volleyball is really tiring,you'll know if you tried before.And we played for 3+ hours.Fit sia.And 2 girls in skimpy bikinis sort of came into the picture and became the bane of ling hong.But not like me or lianghan or hong keat weren't looking at all.
Law O week was there playing some lame games and we saw Wenzhao and Siming.Ha,they joined us for a while but nehnehzhao had to run for cover cos his og wanted him to be drag queen for their beach bash.
I really wouldn't mind being one if you asked me nicely.And please throw in some incentives.But i'll never break into that squeaky voice which so many of the law freshie guys did.Horrible attempt.And drag queens don't do all high pitch.You all never hear ahkua talk before meh.Some sound sexier than George Clooney.
Meeting up with shijie and ah gou was fun.And funny.And got a lift on shijie's Merc C-class,damn cool la.The acceleration damn power.Brakes damn solid.His driving skills not so.Got caught in a few situations when he was obstructing traffic cos of our "turn right,no left!Not here la,later!Oi turn left!Stay centre!" this kind of instructions.Haha now i know how taxi drivers feel.But then kena horn by this lousy subaru impreza.fat ugly bastard inside gave us a stare.I almost puked at the stomach-churning sight.
Then when it was left with me and ah jie,best,we hollanded.Go PIE,haha missed one exit and reached Jurong,then hit AYE(Clementi) so was like drove all the way to CTE la.Sispec orenteering training not v useful.damn crap.haha but reminiscing the good old days of dragonboating and canoeing made me miss the team a lot.Never gonna have great teammates like these again.
Right,so i encountered drag queens,played hell beach volleyball and got lost in Singapore.Give me something new now.

Thursday, August 4

Thank Heavens!

The most beautiful sunset I've ever laid eyes on.Yes,3rd August 2005.After dinner,just when I stepped out of the kitchen after washing the bowls,I caught a glimpse of the sky.All imaginable shades of orange and red and pink.Haha,got all excited like a kid and was deciding if I should run to the next block for a better view.And that's what I did,took the lift up to the 28th floor of the neighbouring block,only to discover that the view was marred by another tall block which you see in the photos.And 28th floor was inhabitated,so moved down a floor.And soon I was happily snapping away with my lousy camera phone.May seem like any ordinary sunset to you,but you gotta be there to appreciate the magnificent moment.Too bad I was alone,with no one to share this romantic sight.

It isn't so clear in the pictures,but it sure made Singapore look real picturesque.There was this overlying mist that made the hills in the west so mysterious and old.The clouds were painted pink and looked as if there really is a fortress of improbable dimensions above them.And the setting sun was ablaze,like those scenes os sunsets in the movies.
The next time I see a beautiful sunset,I'm going all the way to that stupid obstuctive block of flats for a better view.

And I might as well throw in a few photos that I took when a storm struck suddenly yesterday.The wind was howling like a room of crazy men and the storm clouds were over me in 5 minutes.It was still sunny when I noticed that it was brewing a storm to the west.

Felt almost like impending doom has befallen.Was wondering whether something out of War of the Worlds was gonna happen.The rain was falling at like 45 degrees.The trees in Bishan Park swaying like they're threatening to snap anytime.All I can say is,wow,Nature sure can do something to you if you pee anyhow in the bushes.

And good news,I killed a few of the Jie Fang Jun when they were dragging me away to be shot in the head,and sneaked back to Singapore in one piece.The President presented me a medal with these words carved on it.


Thank the heavens.

Wednesday, August 3

Diary on the Run

A well-paced 6km around Bishan Park 1.Saw this stunning breath-taking sight.Pink leaves/flowers strewn across the jogging track.Like autumn.Last time was yellow in another section of the park.Guys can bring girlfriends to take a look.Sure to get you laid.HAHA yeah right.

Monday, August 1

Kung Fu Hustle

Bidding for modules is as bad as getting involved in a mass brawl.Sometimes,even if you give all out,you get a sucker punch in the stomach which leaves you winded and renders you vulnerable to the lesser villians.But when you stand there throwing feeble and aimless punches,you manage to hit the crotch of the BOSS somehow,yeah you hit the bullseye unwittingly.And when the big bullies(Returning Students) come in with their massive arsenal of weapons,you stand rooted to the ground all jellylegs and let them gun you down.Whatever happened to the promised bulletproof vest? you say.Oh,haha,they don't provide you one in this fight,you retard.And so you faint,and wake up too late,all you can do is kick the corpses to vent your anger,left behind by your brothers who are already on their way to eat prata after a long fight.
So,when you are bidding,don't give all out.Play it safe.Keep your eyes open.It may be tiresome to monitor where your bidding status,but it's all worth it.After all,you don't wanna end up in Chinese Studies with all the china mamas.

Diary on the Run

8.2 km and I knew I could go much further.But let's do this progressively.Damn I'm good!haha.