without love we perish

Sunday, August 21


Bye bye Shijie.Take care in ang mo li ka.

I just finish compiling 2 C programs on my own.How proud I am.I never thought I can get it right,ever.No thanks to Ilango(chinese high computer programming teacher who screams n barks like a dog).We call him yi lang gou.His pms seriously affects his brain big time.And its much worse than mine,mind you.Imagine la.If you cannot tahan me,you'll die in his presence.
And so I became a technophobe.Or rather computer-phobic.QBasic was scary.not basic at all can?50/100 for final exam.and everything was copied n pasted.haha.how proud.smart?you bet.
Someday,all you computer geeks will bow before me.Not because im real good at programming.Because i will rule the world someday.
Geniuses are usually slightly demented,im only imagining.i don't want to rule the world.i don't want to deal with you complicated and scheming humans.we're not beautiful at all,not even those supermodels.They can't compare with nature.if i had a choice,i'll be living in a temperate forest.jungle too dirty.and maybe like dolittle i can communicate with the animals.then,life will be so untainted.
Would you rather live a life of serenity and peace,or indulge in the activities that made man so careless?


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