without love we perish

Sunday, August 14

BBQ and food for thought

satay stingray sotong otah sweet potato cod fish unagi some weird weird fish chicken wings sausages lapcheong mushrooms prawns.

are you full already?Thats the menu for the bbq just now.Meant to celebrate granny's bday.Little Keefe was better entertainment.His happy birthday song,blowing all the candles for someone 66 years older than him,running around,making gurgling sounds,his enormous head.stomach exploding,can't sleep.

and just now saw some young couples at the chalet.yep all the qing qing wo wo stuff and such.singles out there should know that sometimes you'll feel you are losing out on something by not getting into a relationship rite?Will have that "why is it not me caressing that hot chick's butt cheek" feeling.or something less perv than that.
Today,it triggered off an avalanche of questions.
"jensen,ready to rumble or not?"
"you can give up bachelorhood or not?"
"you can tahan their whining or not?"
"you know how difficult it is to maintain a relationship rite,jensen?"
"you hug that babe will nosebleed or not?"

Yeah i gave up companionship for bachelorhood.reverting back isn't that easy.must have target(which i currently have none),must have time(currently have plenty to spare),must have energy(so lam nua where got energy?damn lazy la),must have interest(?have or not also dunno).Want to chase girl damn troublesome leh.Wait till i become spiderman first then i look for Mary Jane.

So Mary Jane,you wait for me ah.Right now just settle for Harry Osborn.Peter Parker needs training.


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