without love we perish

Tuesday, February 6

i'm almost getting used to getting home at 11, tired from training.

i'm not sure whether this has taken its toll on me, but i sure do know that i'm not paying as much attention to schoolwork as i really should. i think it's time to be a student-climber. need to produce some good grades to keep my hopes of a 2nd lower honours afloat.

bumped into hongkeat today. or rather, he bumped into me. it's been so long since i last saw him, and i'm surprised we still can talk some cock. some friends just never die on you. but i admit it will never return to the days when we fool around and make merry with what ever rubbish we can lay our hands on. maybe a fraction of it will be enough.

i'm a much happier person now. somehow, Joseph's Tuesdays with Morrie has really changed my perspective of MY life. i am but one little grain of sand on a beach. but i can be the happiest grain. although some angst and animosity still lives in me, i try to suppress these feelings and look past them so that i can accept some people whom i previously could not bear the sight of. suddenly, they don't seem so bad after all.


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