without love we perish

Monday, December 11

the world and her

take her down to the riverside, and sit beneath the grand old tree. talk about the worlds, all the while mesmerised by her beauty. bake a cake, cream it with saccharine. tastes don't matter, it's the thought that counts, hers especially. walk along the cobbled path, butterflies flutter. bend over, pick a wild flower, for her. wade in the blue lagoon, frolicking. the salt in your eyes doesn't stop you from noticing her smiles. hike up the hill, stepping over rock and soil. the blushes on her face from the exertion, makes you blush too. lie amongst the tall tall grass, watching clouds. hold her hand, and show her the cloud that belongs to her. seat her down beneath the grand old tree, look into her eyes. tell her, "you are the world." -- a dedication to friends and family


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