without love we perish

Friday, July 22

We'll Come Back Strong

MacRitchie reservoir was like Lake Placid.no terrifying mini tsunamis like those in kallang.and definitely looked less like a battleground.
But you see,on the land,all these JCs and sec schools were cheering like mad la.Was unfortunate to be standing in the midst of this VJC contingent."VJ!" "Ni-Ko-Las!" or whatever shit they were screaming.Speaking from experience,you can never make out what they're shouting when you're competing.It sounds like the gurgle when you flush the toilet.
Close fight between us Hwachong and steroid-pumping NJ.It was down to the last event,k2 500m.They had 2 boats,we had one.We came in last.So,Kudos to NJ,you escaped unscathed.
Next year you won't be so lucky.
HCJC Canoeing forever.


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