without love we perish

Sunday, August 6

red water

i went down to the Bloodbank@HSA for my blood donation yesterday,and damn,was it eventful.

The very moment i laid my tired ass on the recliner,the experienced lao nurse ushered in a trainee nurse in my direction.i didn't panic then,since thinking that with the scrutiny of the lao nurse,any mistake made by the trainee will be rectified fast.so,i relax(ing)ed while they did their usual routine. but when the trainee seemed to take a long time to apply the antiseptic on my forearm,i was quite baffled by either her conscientiousness or her incompetence.
her hands weren't very steady while injecting the anaesthetic,taking some time to push the syringe.and when it came to insert the big needle into my vein,i was quite impatient by then,though not showing any signs of it.she chose a different vein from the previous few times i was there,and it resulted in a very slow blood flow into the collecting bag.i believe it took twice as long.
the lao nurse was quite worried and started pulling in and pushing out the needle to get a better reaction from my vein,and happily told me that blood has collected under the skin and i will get a rather nasty bruise in a couple of days.lao nurse apologised many times,trainee apologised many times,i said "it's ok,no problem" many many times,always remembering to smile.well,in the end,the needle site was bleeding rather badly and i needed an ice pack to sooth the pain.or rather i had no choice because all these were done without informing me.
but it was a very fun experience,and hopefully only once-in-a-lifetime. it's not always that you get 3 nurses showing you concern,though i'd not suggest you get caught in a similar situation as me. just hope trainee nurse learned something from poking me the wrong way.she sure is very lucky to have me as a guinea pig.

we learn from mistakes,and then grow from there.