without love we perish

Friday, July 28

Cheesepie baking

weimin chow nehnehpok and jacinth came over to create a mess in my kitchen today.you guys are really a chaotic lot.haha.huishi and jacinth are wonder women,use eyepower till their eyes almost popped.see the eyebags on jacinth?chow ah,cant read instructions properly,anyhow anyhow,it was inevitable that i barked orders at you.weimin,super hardworking,no complaints at all.potential baker.but dunno oz is ounce.
it all ended well,and fortunately the cheesecake looked quite good.think the air bubbles were my fault,maybe there was something wrong in the sequence of the addition of ingredients.but nevermind.you said it's good,so i bet it is.

while waiting for the cake to be ready,we had:
Japanese biscuits from Hokkaido courtesy of Yihui!
Jensen's Fudgy and Chewy Brownies!
Yuen Lang Lao Po Bing from Hong Kong from Chiew!
Royce Chocolate from Neh Neh Pok!Fucking Decadent.
Angie the Choice's Durian Roll!Fucking Good.
Emicakes' Durian Puff!Fucking Power.

u girls made my bed damn smelly ah.....and i found a lot of hair,long and short on it.kar moh armpit moh everything.....

thanks for coming.it was very fun watching you people play.