without love we perish

Tuesday, September 6


what a day.
that lousy econs TA really cannot make it.he doesn't know why the MC cuts the minimum point of the AC and AVC curve.and guess who had to help him out?of course me la.haha.nothing to hao lian.but i'm damn ecstatic that i got to humiliate him.i seriously think he's an illegal immigrant who found an econs textbook in the garbage centre and tried his luck in NUS and the damn econs department was quite impressed with how he managed to recite the entire text inside out.guess he left out the MC curve part.

and let's talk a bit about Ice Queen.IQ is not really an ice queen after all.why?because her megawatt toothy smile melts me.i go ga-ga whenever i see it.and if she is an ice queen she'll die everytime she smiles.i'm totally besotted.i'll wait for this one heartwarming moment every lecture.
buay tahan.damn rou ma.
oh and guess what?she's the colour of chocolate!a few shades lighter actually.i like......