without love we perish

Sunday, September 30

it's high time i climb seriously.
since krabi, i've been chilling out at the gym, doing random bouldering problems, setting fun and sick routes, doing a bit of endurance sets and watching people climb.
climbaprix is coming.
cherlyn says i'll be the open men champion (written on the paper plate). i'm more realistic. i want to be the intermediate men champion for the first official bouldering competition next year. this is within my means. and if that doesn't happen, i'll gladly take second place. or third. Haha.
slopers, crimps, pinches, odd tiles, jugs, pockets, edges, sidepulls and underclings. bring it on.
i'm all psyched up. the beast within is unleashed.
it's topless and sweating, shrieking like a siren.
so climb with me, juniors and seniors alike. i just may inspire you.

p.s. this is very uncharacteristic of me to be so egocentric. moral of the story: jensen starts training seriously from tomorrow onwards.


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