without love we perish

Sunday, August 27

Take the plunge, into a shitpile

i haven't really been churning out entries like i used to.short and sharp was never my style,but now i think time is really not with me.
my timetable this semester is really a stinker.four full days,with wednesday free to give me a breather.actually not really,since i'll probably be struggling to write programs for my computing lab sessions and mugging for the tutorials.and i can't even bring myself to sit and read the C++ textbook,its sheer size intimidates me and reduces me to a kindergarten kid who is afraid of mathematical sums.i got myself into this shit,now i have to find a way to pick myself out from this mess.but how,when shit is up to my eyes?Haha guess i just have to wait till motivation hits me in whatever form it comes in.
i didn't get my ippt gold.but i'm not sad,because i pushed myself to my limits.although i was 35 seconds off the mark,i know if i train harder for it,it'll be within reach.just inches away from iminent success.if only it is that way always.
i'm very excited about climbing,and i'll be on my toes the next 2 days waiting for the captains to call and confirm the selection.i am confident,and if i fail to make it,i don't know if i'll be able to face up to anyone.i'll still climb,but it won't be the same again.and if i do,i'll train hard and learn everything i can.afterall,thats the whole point of joining the team,to learn the ropes and improve till i can improve no more.competitions will be fun,and it'll be a bonus if i can win anything,but i miss the trainings with the canoeists,and i hope this team will bring me endless joy too.if i make it.
and anyone who took the basic theory driving test?wonder if you have the Kui Hua Bao Dian,or the secret manual.does the new one have any amendments from the old one?anyone knows?


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