without love we perish

Saturday, June 17


i haven't been posting anything for a while, actually a long while by my standards since i seem to be churning out my thoughts into entries at a rather prolific rate.and since i installed the new pc things for my phone hasn't been going exceptionally well.something seems to be conflicting the file managing software of my phone for the pc and i can't transfer any photos.so guess in the meantime you will have to settle with long wordy posts if any.or perhaps you prefer it this way.
i've been working back at Techmex and earned some dough to spend, and it hasn't been the most enjoyable time i had working there.telemarketing is a brainless job, to quote someone working with me, and data entry isn't the most happening and enriching job you can find anywhere.at least i've managed to steal in some msn during these hours and had the company of Power98 through the net, so everytime i feel downright stoned making those calls i'll just disturb a few of the unlucky ones online.oh you suay people.and the job is really disrupting my exercise regime,which is kind of disturbing to me.no time to run,no time to go gym,aircon all day long,crap air in my lungs.
i need to go out and soak up some sun,although the weather hardly permits.and i would love to hang out around town or anywhere with someone to talk cock with, or just watch a movie.it's only been 10 days of work, but i feel like i've been there longer than anyone working there.and now i understand why some are contented to just do what is within their job scope and well within their capacity.sometimes motivation finds its way out of your system,and whats left in you is energy enough to only keep you functioning.because motivation is a drug.it gives you strength beyond limits to push for your beliefs, and protects you from all the nasty criticism you are bound to take at some point of your course.and many workers lose it because they are disillusioned by the job market or the lack of opportunities.i say you create your own.don't lose hope.even if the straw of hope you are clinging on is a mere sliver,it is still there.work it baby.
i just finished reading Sarah Hall's The Electric Michelangelo, and i think it is the best book i've ever read. conversation between the characters are kept to a minimum, and i was worried that the heavy prose will bore me sooner or later like Toby Litt's Ghost Story. but Hall manages to paint a beautiful picture of the seaside town of Morecambe Bay and the New York wonder funland Coney island in the early 1900s. Cyril Parks helps his hardworking mother run a small hotel in Morecambe, and by chance gets to know a tattoo artist Eliot Riley who boasts to be the best in northern england.an apprenticeship soon follows and after his mother and Riley's death,Cy risks all and sails across the Atlantic to Coney Island,the ultimate circus of fun,screams and freak-shows.and here he meets an enigmatic and charismatic woman named Grace,who entrusts him the task of decorating her entire body with a simple eye.
In Morecambe bay, you feel like you know every nook and cranny of the streets, every secret passage that the children take to their secret playground, every shop that the ladies hang around to gossip on their findings, every haunting past of the sea, sand and street. Coney Island offers you an interesting insight to the human mind, an encounter with yourself and your humanity amid all the freak-shows and fun rides.
the book is tear-inducing because it has the potential to, as it very nearly did to me.its lyrical prose and precise and interesting descriptions of characters and places will keep you glued to the book.it was shortlisted for the MAN Booker Prize 2004, one of the most acclaimed awards a writer can get.if you can you should buy the book and read it again and again.it is unlike any book you've read before.
here i insert the prose that leaves the deepest impression:
"There was an important secret about New York that Grace found out one day,very early on after that brave leap from one civilization to another,lying on the sidewalk with blood coming from her nose and legs.She took a guess at universal human kindness and spoke a very old and very reliant word to a stranger.And a woman she didn't know spoke the same word back to her and helped her up.The secret was that if the city tipped just so against the light you could see a fine web between corresponding human hearts throughout it, like a spider's web revealed in the grass on the steppe in the morning dew against the sun.It connected all paths and all peoples with a frail strength that could be traversed if you learned how to move that way.And she learned to tightrope it,like a little spider from home to home,from neighbourhood to neighbourhood,delicately between native tongues and histories and cultures.And the beauty was,if you turned and looked behind you,perhaps you would see that you have spun a separate strand along which others could then follow,adding to the web."
I'm not sure what the word is.i'm still finding out.meanwhile,look behind you.
i want prata.


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