without love we perish

Monday, June 5

It's been a long time since i posted badly-taken photos from my K700i,or maybe there never had been any well-taken ones.But the essence of the moment I want to capture with the lens is what's important of course, and most of the time I do achieve something that brings me a smile.

I was pretty bored and restless in the afternoon so I decided to sort out all the little somethings my friends,some of you included,have given me over the last few years.I re-read postcards and letters(no love letters),some silly,some encouraging and some absolutely uplifting.That's when I remember there are still people who care to keep in contact,although I have lost some along the way,and expect nothing in return.It is these people who receive Xmas cards from me,and I hope they read what I write inside them with warmth and an assurance that as long as an effort is made,Xmas cards will be flowing between us for as long as we allow it.And so I put some really nice ones on the wall,which definitely brightened up my room much more.Shin and Bik I wonder if you still remember any of these.And Bik, I would really like to hear from you,for a moment I was worried that you got kidnapped by human traffickers.

This card is the one I like best and can most relate to.Something that has always bothered me in the past,and will now be my mantra.Go with the heart,you can never be wrong to yourself. I've taken some steps towards what I want to do,the most recent one raised a rather big hoo-haa amongst those who asked.It was in the name of fun and I was just taking a potshot, no harm intended even though it left me with a very very slightly bruised ego which I thought was quite funny enough for me to laugh at myself.

And naturally as a soccer fan,it's always necessary to have a giant roster over the bed to keep check of the matches in the month to come.A month of festive cheering(or boo-ing),midnight snacking and of course,huge bulging eyebags.It will be a busy period for me and will transform me into an owl or some nocturnal creature walking on two legs used mainly for walking to the fridge looking for food.

This photo was taken when I was walking across the carpark on my way to the gym.I saw a jet spewing white exhaust slicing through the clear sky,a rather common sight if you bother looking up to the heavens occasionally.But that day,this sight touched me somehow and I couldn't resist the urge to take a memento running the risk of blinding myself looking straight into the sun.I miss the trees here,maybe because I had been looking at their canopies from my old 12-storey flat for nearly 21 years before moving to my current residence.So tall,so sturdy,always holding their own when a thunderstorm blows.

The black rascal chinchilla and the grey docile one Jessica got from Leni.The pair was apparently left outside Leni's house by someone who got tired of looking after them.Seemed to be in rather bad condition back then,but has now progressed enough to be overweight like their owner.Their powder-bathing is a rather funny sight,imagine a furball rolling non-stop in a container.Chinchillas originate from South America,maybe it'll be best to send them back there and become eagle-fodder.


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