without love we perish

Wednesday, March 29

I kena tagged sia....

My peng3 you4 Watson tagged me just when i was about to watch my maths webcast. so now i must blog about it, if not i'll turn into Danny De Vito in 5 hours if i don't do so.

Name five of life's simple pleasures that you like most, then pick five people to do the same.

Here's mine.
1. Jogging to somewhere peaceful and serene with beautiful scenery, out of the city's reach and sitting down somewhere doing some reflection or just humming some songs.

2. Hanging around with friends, just anywhere, and talk about everything under the sun.

3. Climbing around, chilling out and looking at the cute girls in the rock gym.

4. Eat chocolate.enough said.

5. Standing by my window, spacing out or just plain daydreaming.

My turn to tag u all liao.


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