without love we perish

Tuesday, December 13

zoo part 2

see post below to start the trip to the zoo.

black horse white stripes?white horse black stripes?black horse white stripes.

2 cheetahs lazing in the shade.weren't moving around much.

i ran quite a distance to get this shot cos the ostriches refused to move to the front when i was trying to snap them earlier.i'd prefer ostrich to turkey anyday.their meat is real tender.big guy here's called the greater kudu.some kinda antelope.sure is a beauty.and these two little fellows are meerkats.they're keeping a lookout for their other tribemates.funny-looking animals.but very cute nonetheless. small rhino facing off with big rhino.the praying mantis trying to stop the car with its arms.bu4 zhi1 liang4 li4. the small one finally scampered off to safety behind another much bigger rhino.this action is called gang-behaviour.small-time gangster meets hero and harm4 ji4.he go and find his boss ask him protect him.
giraffes have tongues that grow up to 52cm.can you imagine french-kissing one?like a snake got into your mouth. white-handed gibbon taking a drink.he and the other female were swinging through the trees playing tag.quite a sight to behold. female gibbon was a damn smart one.as i held out my handphone to take the shot,she was bobbing her head up and down like she knew i was taking photos.and as i walked around the enclosure her gaze was following me.think she likes me.

this red-ruffed lemur gave me one of the biggest scare of my life.initially i saw it emerge from the forest and climb onto the roof of a sheltered walkway.i thought it disappeared and hung around for a while longer cos i wanted to take a shot of it.then as i turned to leave,i was looking at my phone for the time and when my head's up,this cheeky fellow was on the floor staring at me barely a meter away.i froze but my hand was ready to take a picutre of this cheeky fellow.but it ran to where it is in the picture and i chased after it.that's how this pic came about.cool.

this is Inuka,the first polar bear born in captivity in the tropics.look how much it has grown.i remember i was only around 11 when it was born.and it's got a obsessive compulsive disorder.this was taken during the feeding time show.before that,when i was at the polar bear enclosure,it was just pacing around its den.round and round and round.i gave up trying to take a picture and left.

i've got a lot more pictures but it's kinda tiring to put everything online.so i selected a few which i like more than the rest for my pathetic audience of maybe 3 or 4.

i've got 3 shots of free-ranging peacocks.this looks the best.sure is a cocky fellow.stood so close to it i reckoned it'd peck me if i went nearer,but it just posed

for me.another picture has it crossing the road.who says only chickens do that?

this is the common marmoset.found it in the reptile garden with the iguana.i was so close to it thanks to 3 ah bengs in black who were feeding it god-knows-what.quite funny leh,ah beng go zoo,never tell them this one not botanical gardens don't have ah lian ah huay.

this red-eared terrapin was tanning and so i happily made it a model.my fav photo of the day.

so you have it.my trip to the Singapore Zoological Gardens.

some don't know how important it is to stop harming animals.some refuse to do anything to help in the conservation of endangered species.global warming,excessive logging,poaching and pollution are just one of many reasons why there are species becoming extinct everyday.care for them.you'll get bored of humans when that's all that's left.

anyway there's Ben & Jerry's scoop shop there.had the choc chip cookie dough.superb!and there are cute girls manning it.hmm...maybe i'll go for one more these days....

Save the animals!Support the World Wildlife Fund!PETA rocks!