without love we perish

Sunday, December 25


pardon me for saying this,but the best thing about religion is the holidays.
and this xmas eve,i found something that i thought was lost in time and never to return to me again.
it's innocence.
as usual,the traditional family xmas dinner at my aunt's.roast turkey and stuffing,cream of mushroom,my granny's super coleslaw,giant sausages,caesar's salad,shepard's pie,mashed potato,pasta with bacon n mushrooms.how's that for a menu?it's something i look forward to every year, the annual feasting of the Seah family.sitting together,making fun of each other,the "pass me the salad,pass me the ketchup" and my 3rd uncle poking fun at my granny.
this year,my 3 little devils of cousins decided to play with me.Keefe and I had a dinosaur war.Megan and Faith gave me a good massage which later developed into a pounding.their masak-masak game had me as the customer and resulted in the 2 of them quarreling due to difference in management styles.and Keefe was licking the walls.and i had to shove his tongue back in place before it does more damage to him than to the walls.he was already having diarrhea from putting his tongue to everything in sight.
it was unbelievably tiring to tackle these 3 little rascals.but it was very very fun.and when i had to leave for my class gathering,Faith said something i never heard anyone say to me before.
"Guangxing gor-gor,can i hug you?"
wow,heart-melting moment.
and so me and the 3 angels embraced in a group hug and Faith gave me a little kiss on the cheek.
it's been so many years since anyone did so.haha,and i wouldn't mind if it came from my cheeky little cousin.
and Megan looked so disappointed when i had to leave cos she wanted to pass me the present they got for me,which she did when i was forced to stay for the gift exchange ceremony.
And Keefe,as always,sensed the opportunity to go gai-gai and bawled when he was pulled back before he could wear his shoes.heart-wrenching to see him cry when for the past hour,all i saw was his handsome grin.
looks like i sealed my place in the 3 kids' hearts.haha.and it sure made me a happy cousin.


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