without love we perish

Friday, September 29

we are different

sometimes, you just happen to be at the right place with the right person.
but at the wrong time.

as i climb more, the more i learn about this world and how life works.
using brute force may get you somewhere, but it's unsightly, and it draws criticism from everyone. doing the right thing at the right time is what's important.that's where technique comes in.a simple movement can relieve you of pain and suffering.that's where footwork comes in.there is no point holding on to something so tightly that it stifles nothing but you.that's where tile-holding comes in.never give up until you know what you are intending to do next is gonna hurt you or someone else.that's where determination and willpower comes in, along with a dose of sensibility.

a wall with many colourful tiles.which one to hold,which one to step on? which tiles will you choose for your route to your end-tile? an easy unchallenging one or a killer which will bring you satisfaction and pride upon completion? your choice. your approach.

i want to climb better. i want to win. but i also want to find peace in climbing. this is where balance comes in.

when will i find the perfect route?

maybe never, but i'll wait and see.

Wednesday, September 27


i'm ok!
but still cannot climb.sian.

Tuesday, September 26


left hand
right hand (meatball)
kong ba pau

Thursday, September 21


i'm climbing like a mad ape.
with sprained fingers.and now a banged-up wrist.
don't think so much.
just whack.

Sunday, September 17

want to fly.

you make me.

can't back off,
can't move on.
can't think.
can't tell.

Monday, September 11

will be great

For the first time in weeks,i'm online without any intention of doing work.feels good.

been doing a lot of thinking lately.bogged down by schoolwork and climbing training, i was on the brink of losing it.life hasn't been this packed since jc days when i was still canoeing.but back then,days were carefree and i always threw caution into the wind and just had fun,though i still did my homework.now that i'm older, there's a lot more to factor in when i just want to spend some time chilling out doing nothing constructive.it's something i wish i have time for.

and no, i don't ever regret joining climbing ivp.
just yesterday, we went for Climb On! 2006, a rockclimbing carnival in Singapore Expo.70 routes,1 scorecard,unlimited tries.I completed routes i thought were impossible for me, failed at some i thought i could clear, pulled muscles and hurt my fingers.and knowing that the test was today,i still went for this and ignored the possibilities of flunking it.a small sacrifice for a lot of fun and awesome cimbing.I was inspired by the seasoned climbers,how they seem to make everything so easy.I just have to work harder,train harder,focus more,and one day,hopefully soon,i'll reach their level.

you keep me sane and delighted, yet you mess up my life so much.

i'll be just fine handling school and climbing.and maybe more.

Wednesday, September 6


i'm worried.
you know what happens when a dam is breached?
the walls cracked,then water starts seeping through the cracks,which at the same time enlarges,and finally gives way.the water cascades,falling like a giant sack of potatoes and crashes with a loud boom.
all these happen concurrently.
it's like how everything hits you all at the same time when you just can't seem to manage at all.luck is not on your side,since it probably brought everything together.
my responsibility and stress level is at an all-time high.
there is nothing to pray to, nothing to lend support.
on my own.
a chance to grow stronger.

Sunday, September 3


the title of my blog has changed.
"without love we perish"
four words.unlimited possibilities.powerful.subtle.
what is love?which love?
i saw this phrase a few years ago in a surfing magazine in australia.it appeared as a tattoo around the ankle of a surfer,and it is the mantra that he lives by.and somehow i believe it's true.
love envelopes the world,love in every sense.parental love,sibling love,love,lvoing yourself.
if we lose interest in everyone else, and ourselves, will we stirll have the will to live on?or bother to do so?

it is a beautiful phrase.

but never forget,
turn your face to the sun, and the shadows will fall behind you.

Saturday, September 2


can't curse with my left hand.
the finger points back at me.

sorry, this is nonsensical.haha.