without love we perish

Friday, May 5

cheeseCAKE - I Will Survive

haha, so many of you asked me how the cheesecake tasted.to be honest with you,the last time i had a cheesecake was probably more than a year ago.and the last oreo cheesecake i had was in jc.so,I DON"T KNOW THE BLOODY TASTE OF AN OREO CHEESECAKE!damn!but mum liked it,cos it wasn't too sweet.and that's all that matters.i wished it was a little bit wetter,and i really can't taste the oreo at all.looks like i'm not gonna make an oreo cheesecake again.but i'll definitely make more cheesecakes.all sorts of cheesecakes.watch this space.

you see the 'fa gao' in the background?that's my mum's doing.both of us were making our confections at the same time.here's turned out nicer of course,less skill required mah.
and this is how it looks like when u chuck everything into a container instead of retaining it on the cake pan.
all in all,i love my cheesecake,and i'm proud to say this is my favourite out of all that i've baked.not that everything else sucked.some did.like the overcooked brownie that took me ages to dig(yes,dig) out of the cake pan.that was really a blow.
and another thing, how sweet should a cheesecake be?i can hardly taste any hint of sweetness in my cake.it was oh so cheesy.and the oreo in the cheese filling was all mushy as expected, but is it supposed to be so?Jenna,if you're here again can u please give some advice?kam sia you.