without love we perish

Tuesday, January 31

cute things

rabbits.cute rabbits.

my cheeky cousin.my cute cheeky cousin.
this one's the cutest....


and i drowned in my own puke.

hahahahahahahaha this is the best entry ever.

Sunday, January 29

bah kwa.........resist!!!

one hour into chinese new year,and i can hear my body screaming at me.
sneaked some bah kwa into my mouth when i was heating them up this morning,ate some pineapple tarts while watching tv in the afternoon,and now with all that goodies on the table,i think it's impossible to keep my fats level down.
maybe i will go for a short run tomorrow.
i can hear some of you laughing.
i'm probably working out more than i should be.all that time should be spent at the table mulling over how to solve that physics problem or how to start that comparative summary.but i think it's amazing how the body grows under physical stress.muscles get bigger when you lift or push heavier and all this solely from the effort put in, and the food you eat after that.and then I become Arnold Schwarzenegger.
but i don't want to be Mr Universe.i just want a good beach bod.for fun's sake.haha.
i can stare at the mirror and exclaim,"what big pecs you have Jensen!" or "look at those chiselled abs!", and after amusing myself for five minutes,start planning my running schedule for this year's Standard Chartered Half Marathon.
but first, i have to fight the evil intentions of Bee Hock Guan Bah Kwa.

Sunday, January 22

was watching "We Were Soldiers" on tv yesterday.
there was a scene where a soldier jumped onto a grenade to save his comrades.
reminded me of the legendary instructor who did so to save the hopeless kuniang who dropped the grenade during the live exercise.
tt got me thinking if i would dare to do so if it should come to this.
i think i will.
not because i'm brave.
because i can't bear to see the people fighting alongside me suffer.the sight may be too harsh for me.it may haunt me forever.

Friday, January 20

nose throat disease

snot flowing non-stop from my nasal cavity.
the throat all rough and hoarse.
feeling all feverish and weak.
limbs limp and eyes half-closed.

it's so tiring to be sick.

Thursday, January 19

on tuesday, i climbed like there was no tomorrow.
myforearms are still aching.
but i left a very happy man.
Jensen's happy!

Saturday, January 14

why september sucks

September 11 2001.2 boring-looking buildings collapsed.A lot of deaths.
September 21 200?.Earthquake in Taiwan.A lot of deaths.
Mid-semester tests.A lot of deaths.
Green Day sleeping.Don't wanna wake up.
Jensen was born.will result in a lot of deaths.

Tuesday, January 10

Venerable Ming Yi drew flak for "performing stunts" to jack up the calls for donation.
Some want the charity shows to stop using Mediacorp artistes.
Some guy said there is no need for charity shows to get the public to donate to the various charitable organisations.They can do so directly by writing cheques instead of paying fees for calling in.

Come on,get real you bastards.

No matter how you twist your words and try to twist our thoughts,I know that you people love watching the celebrities risk it all just to perform those stunts.You voyeurs love watching them suffer and grimace,and then you think you are doing them a favour by calling and supporting your favourite artiste.How do you explain the 260,000 calls made during the few minutes when Venerable Ming Yi was shaking and shivering on top of Republic Plaze in the storm?You just store power until the main event right?And yet you say there is no need for anyone to risk their health and lives for an attractive show.
I am so sure, that a show without dangerous stunts will draw more calls than a classical music concert,that I am willing to risk my life in the next NKF show and go bungee-jumping without a bungee if that happens.
And to that airhead who said people will donate directly to the organisations without these shows,it is clear that you're not very smart shooting our mouth off like that without passing shit through your brain.Hardly anyone knew about Ren Ci Hospital until the show came about.And being a Singaporean myself,I know that no one waste their 'precious'time sending a cheque to the charitable organisations.All we want is efficiency and speed nowadays,and we'd love nothing more than a show that gives us more opportunity to fondle our beloved handphones,and feel great and proud about ourselves when we hear the Venerable say "Xie Xie Ni De Zi Chi".Without the show,the patients would be sleeping in the streets,and we still won't do anything about it.
What Venerable Ming Yi did drew tears from me when I was watching.I was not 'touched' by the danger posed to him.I was bewildered and shocked by his willingness to do all this for the sake of the patients lying in their beds in a hospital that runs solely on the donations from the public.Who would risk 40 minutes in ice,abseiling face-first down a skyscraper,standing for 2 hours on an elevated platform,and now a balancing act for people who aren't related to him?Few.And not me either.And fuckers say he is playing on the audience's hearts.If you donated just because he was performing a circus act,I say you are treating him as a stuntman.For fuck's sake I'm sure he wasn't the one who proposed the stunt,he wasn't the one who got the celebrities to train like madmen and he certainly wouldn't need a show if we showed a bit more compassion more often by donating to whatever needs our money now and then.
The poor man needs a break.
My dad said, "Why they never ask Durai to walk the plank?"
How appropriate.They can do without the safety cable.He has his golden peanuts.

Sunday, January 8

of life and friendship

it's raining too heavily for my liking.there's no way i'm gonna risk getting wet just to get my shoes.
that's when i picked up the Lifestyle segment of the Sunday Times today.read some columns in the Reflect page which got me thinking.
one was about slowing down and learning to appreciate the little sweet moments of life.stop and smell the roses.and that was one piece of advice i gave a friend last Xmas.i can't remember when it was that i finally realised how important it is to take life less seriously and start looking up and around at the world,instead of just focusing on my studies and ambition.life is too short to just spend half your lifetime rushing to meet deadlines and fulfill promises.you need time to sit back and relax,breathe deep and get some fresh mountain air into your lungs and head.
and i'm glad that i've stopped and smelt some fragrant flowers too.and cookies.and inevitably some crap as well.the many things that i failed to notice when i take the bus and train,the little details about my friends that eluded me,and some weird chracteristics of my family members.just some of the many things that are way more interesting and important than pursuing my dreams or goals.they touch me.i don't know how because they never did before.
maybe that explains me deciding to change the way i approach life.i used to want this and that,tell myself i want to be the owner of a bakeshop,where i want to be living when im 30,how many children i want and how beautiful my wife will be blah blah.yeah,i can achieve all these if i set my mind on it,they're not out of my league i know.but now,i wonder if that's what i really want.i'm equally contented living in a HDB flat.as long as its decor is what i have in mind.i can do without 60 inch plasma TVs,sophisticated home theatre and sound systems,designer goods etc.i don't have to be a bakeshop owner to experience the high i get when someone tells me they love what i did.
all i ask for is a life which i don't have to experience the villians of life and all animals are safe,everyone is happy and safe most of the time,and i have friends that i can keep for life.so don't ask me what i want to do when i grow up.i'll never grow up because i know such idealistic views are childish.but let me be childish.that's the only way i can smell the roses.

the other column spoke of why the author won't think of settling down in another country.what mattered to him are the friends and relatives in Singapore.
so,do you have friends for keeps?friends who'd die for you,go out of the way to help you without any consideration of danger and inconvenience?friends who'd go out with you when you're bored even though they don't feel like stepping out of their homes?
i regret not having many,if any,of these pals in my bag.there's barely a handful that i'd talk to about my troubles and problems.too many hi-bye friends,too many acquantainces that i don't follow up.and none of us can help it.
everyone makes new friends and form new bonds in different stages of their lives.for me,stepping into JC opened up a whole new dimension of people for me to know.the fantastic class of 67,world's best canoeing team,these are the people whom im still closest to,albeit only a few.we can talk about the world,girls,relationships,dirty jokes,girls,gossip,basically everything.then it's off to NS for the guys and uni for the girls.and we make new friends,spend less time with each other and eventually become hi-bye friends.can you do anything about it?yes,but only if you bother keeping up with each other ever so often.girls have to focus on their studies,guys busy with national duties and training.those with girlfriends spend their precious time talking to them and hardly contact the other guys.girls form new cliques in school,and meet up with their former classmates,the ones who mattered in JC, maybe once a sem,maybe none.
now,i'm not targeting anyone in particular.i believe this is the norm nationwide,same in every level of education,every stage of life.
i'm just saddened by the fact that this is the way it is,and there is only one way to stop it from happening to me,that is, to keep in touch with each other.but,this will only work if the other party has the same mentality as you.you'd have to have the urge and desire to want to keep your friends and be significant to them,to stop being a hi-bye,to be able to talk about the things you used to,to act like yourselves instead of being like strangers.
it's hard.i'd tried.
sad to say,there is no one around for whom i'm willing to die for.but for many,i'd help you if you need me as long as you promise i won't die from doing so,or that it's more convenient for me to do it than for you to do the task.and i'm always available if you need a listening ear,or just someone to go shopping with,or just some company.always.unless of course,i have some commitment that i can't postpone.
friends are a big part of my life,and i have few for keeps.
surprisingly how small my life seems.

Saturday, January 7

the long road ahead

dread studies.
and yet every day for the next 5 months,its gonna get on my back till it breaks.
and then i'll have to pick it up,put it back on and trudge on.

but i think positive thoughts.
the well-deserved overseas holiday in May that i've long coveted.just that it hasn't materialised.
the 2 gym sessions every week.soon i won't be joss-stick jensen anymore.
weekly climbing sessions.the kicks,the aches,the satisfaction.

looks like it's gonna be a great semester.
if only there was nothing to read.

Sunday, January 1

Two Zero Zero Six

new year,new resolutions.and some old ones yet to fulfill still.
this year, i want a well-deserved overseas holiday.just find a place and chill.somewhere where i don't have to use my brain.
this year, i want to stay happy and healthy.maintain a good health track record.i've yet to fall ill for the past few months.except maybe a bout of diarrhea.
this year, i think it's time to finally take my basic drving theory exam.gotta get my BMW somehow.
this year, i want to meet and catch up with friends i haven't seen for ages.
this year, i want my friends to be happy too.
And i have 364 days left to make these possible.