without love we perish

Monday, July 23

Will be in Krabi from 25 July till 13 Aug.
Stay safe and healthy, everyone.
Enjoy the rest of the holidays.

Friday, July 20

it's almost going to be one year since i joined the climbing team.
i've witnessed the tumultuous journey to excellence of many teammates, including my own. people work real hard to get to their goals, pushing the limits, bearing with the excruciating pain in the fingers that only those in the sport know. i've strived for excellence too, and got back results that are quite satisfactory, albeit a little disappointing as well.
most of the time, it's a real joy climbing with these people. making fun of each other, the ales, the nonsense we talk about. sometimes, climbing saps all your energy after the warm-up, and somehow, you can't find the drive or motivation to get you through the rest of the training.
my team is not a perfect one. i admit that. but i still love it. because, in one way or another, it reminds me of my canoeing team.
a core group that keeps the team together, the social glue that is essential to every team. the jokers, the knowlegeable, the slackers, and of course, the non-existent. we have so many similarities. there are moments of madness, where slightly deranged minds translate thoughts to words and spark off riots. and moments of pure insanity, where deranged minds say something ridiculous and leads to a cycle of laughs and jabs at each other.
there will always be teammates who disappear on us, or miss trainings for no good reason. these people will need to reassess their intention of joining the team. if need be, please understand the priority of team over self. a team is not a club which you join for the sake of personal achievement. a team is a unity, a band of brothers and sisters who fight together, even if it is an individual sport. train together, suffer together, laugh together, win and lose together. and ultimately, learn about the sport and enjoy each other's company. if this is not your priority, please quit the team for the sake of yourself and the future of the team.
to the climbers reading this, whether or not you're from my team, i hope you find your true calling. if you've already found yours, and it is to stay in the sport and enjoy every moment of hardship and success, i welcome you to climb with me.

so solemn. so dark. so sarcastic.
i hate this post.

Monday, July 16

my first climb at the new CA was surprisingly eventful and satisfying.
the roof was pretty cool, something NUS obviously lacks and needs a lot for all-rounded bouldering.
so was the indoor vertical.
maybe the rockamania cockup fired me up a lot for Krabi, the rather-sick routes by my standards are actually really do-able.
and there wasn't much pride in climbing the walls that you helped build. maybe because they don't really look very nice. i pretty much prefer them dull and grey like the old CA. think us climbers will have a lot of lousy footwork to do before we can get the walls back to that state.

sun sand stone. Krabi. Get ready for Jensen.
Yes, i want special please.

Sunday, July 8

i don't know what's this lazy feeling that's consumed me these past few days. no motivation to do anything, don't really feel like training even though rockamania's coming up in a week.

maybe it's because i've finished the projects in Climbasia. or just lost interest in vertical about as soon as when it started. the thought of not wanting to go Krabi even crossed my mind.

maybe it's due to the deprivation of good quality chocolate. i'm really desperate for that endorphin-induced happy rush. haven't had quality food for quite some time now.

i need to train. hard. it's not an option.
where has that confidence gone?

just hope it doesn't rain in Krabi. my long-awaited tan plan must not be thwarted at a time like this.

one more week, and Climbasia will be open. hopefully my v10s will come by then.

i have a sudden craving for prata. but that will have to wait. i need to run. but i need to buy running shoes first. but then, i'll need to get my ass off my home first. how troublesome.

stop the whining.
but school is starting. modules-bidding. hair-dyeing.
shit. so leycheh.

Sunday, July 1

transformers was so cool that i had to watch it twice.
no sacrifice, no victory. how apt.
rockamania in 2 weeks.
krabi in 3 and a half weeks.
school in 6 weeks.
junior girls coming in 8 weeks.