without love we perish

Monday, February 27


Hal- 'Hal'
Arcade Fire - 'Funeral"
Franz Ferdinand - 'You Could Have It So Much Better'
Oasis - 'What's the Story, Morning Glory'
Arctic Monkeys - 'Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not'
Lifehouse - 'Lifehouse'
One functional Discman....so far

digging for the light

Wow, Man utd is killing the Wigan brigade as im typing this.Finally, glory glory Man United.
Just ended a hectic week.and its all the singapore studies module's fault.some bloody 1500 word essay.squeezed my juices dry.
360 x 3.2 days more to graduation.then im off to a cauldron of backstabbing, poor work ethics and every-man-for-himself selfishness. or maybe im too hopeful that i'll get a job that soon. ha, i'll really dread the day i start work.
speaking of work, my sister is going to try and be a commissioned officer in the police force.what a shocker.for the past 3 mths shes been running in the park to try and be fitter.she doesn't cover much distance and i can't really see the results of the exercise but hey,this former coach potato is finally moving her ass to some adventure.i hope it works out.then next time when i'm bullied,i can say "i ask my jiejie to catch you then you know".
and for those who noticed, i've not been baking for some time now.can hardly afford the time to catch a breather,let alone make some horrible cookies to torment the family. its ok to put your dreams and interests aside when the need arises, but please remember to pick them up and put them back in your head again.it's tragic to see some great ideas and desires die off from the effects of amnesia and practicality. who knows what it will bring to your life?
Have you ever thought how many lives you are capable of living?How many types of person you can be in this lifetime? imagine if u can see how your life changes with every decision you make, if you do this you end up a different person in the future, you do that you're another. i think if i won the fight i had with some young punk in primary school, i might have become over-confident and end up falling even harder. if i chose NJ over HC, i may miss out on the best 2 years of my life. Ah, jc, how i miss the uniform and camaraderie in the class, which still exists but only in small spurts nowadays.
its time to learn how to live.if you did not know how to before.

Wednesday, February 22

Windows JENSEN

you jolly well click "MODEST".

Saturday, February 18

enchant me, will you?

you know how low life is when u spend your waking hours doing homework,worrying about the homework and thinking about homework.
ugh, how sick is that.
is this the life of a student?if that's all there is, i don't wanna be one.
but i know life's not just like that.i need something to do.other than the weekly rockclimbing,gym and run.
and other than just ranting online,why don't i do something about it?
if only i have the time...
or maybe someone just come by and sweep me off my feet.rather than me doing so to you.
22 year-old student. maybe i should be working.

Thursday, February 16

my head...my mind...my fault...

i succumbed to practicality.
which is why i'm studying engineering.
who knows what lies ahead.

Monday, February 13

Happy Valentine's Day!
here's jensen wishing all who visits this meaningless blog a wonderful day of endless condtionless love. May all couples stay in bliss forever, and all single guys the wrath of Lady Luck so the girls will all flock to me.HA! Passers-by, you are welcome to leave a note if you are single and looking for a date.you have to be female of course.

Saturday, February 11


my language fails me.i find nothing worthy to criticise on.cutthroat.

Wednesday, February 8

climb again.

Had a rather fruitful and fun-filled climbing session yesterday.managed to flash a route and finish one set by the captain of the NUS team.delighted and self-contented.was hanging for dear life at the last handhold and wanted to let go(cos i was stuck there for abt 12 sec tho it felt like eternity),but just decided to go for it and presto!though i ended up with a strained butt,the adrenaline rush was worth everything.
and what the hell,i realised i'll be spending Valentine's Day in the rock gym.haha think it's time to get to know some single and available girls in the gym if there're any.haha.